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Published : 2023-02-23

About the author(s)

1. HAITHM ZINHOM - Muhammed bin Zayed University, United Arab Emirates.

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Arabic language is accurate in its words and rich in its structure with flexible expressions and huge effects. The researcher has chosen one of the rubies from the Quran where he found the necessity for what societies pass through from dilemmas and language clearly shared in fixing priorities. It accurately highlights the societies differences and the targeted classes in a way that suits all times and places to make societies with all its economic and social development, this ruby is “Al-Sadaqat are just for the poor and the needy, ...” (Al-Tawba 9/60). The determination of each class mentioned in the verse, fixing priorities, deletion of application space that is believed to be wide between the verse and our contemporary societies that's by studying the linguistic differences that is believed to be similar in effect and is there only for repetition. This study aims to show the linguistic role in defining the meaning of the noble verse and determining the boundaries of each of the societal classes intended by it, and the line of charity priorities that guarantee the fair social and economic solidarity of the whole society, and applying that to our contemporary societies. The study followed the deductive method to determine the verse meaning and put the borders of each social class mentioned in it according to linguistic for granted facts.


Limitation, determination, aṣ-ṣadaqa " (Charity), inamā (just), sustainable development, linguistics, science