1. SIDRA TUL MUNTHA - Department of Zoology, University Of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
2. NAHEED BALOCH - Department of Zoology, University Of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
3. RIFFAT SULTANA - Department of Zoology, University Of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
The study Based on the extranal Morphology of each species. i.e Body coloration, elytra length shape, legs colour , antennal segments, pronotum size and color as well. And measurement of all body parameters considerd as a mm. Present study was conducted as a Morphological Study of Four genera of Beetle from District Badin. A total of 932 speciemens was collected and sort out into 4 genera, 5 species and 3 families. i.e. Chrysomelidea Chrysolina graminis. (Linnaeus, 1758), Carabidea Anthia sexguttata sexguttata (Febricus, 1775) and Carabus hortansis (Linneus, 1758) Scarabidea Melolontha hippocastine (Fabrics 1801) and Melolontha pictoricus(Megrela 1851). This study will identified accurate species of each genra from District Badin. C. gramins was the most abundant species (30% of the total collected individuals), followed by M. hippocastine (25%), M. pictroicus (20%), A. s. sexguttata (15%) and C. hortansis (10%). From this District is no more work on Coleoptera.
Scarabidea, Chrysolina graminis, Beetles,Morphology.