1. ASOGWA ONYINYE - Department of Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
2. OKONTA PATRICK ONOCHIE - Department of Economics, University of Nigeria.
3. ABAROH JAMES JIDEOFOR - Department of Public Administration, University Of Nigeria, Nsukka.
We examined gender and occupational choice in the Nigeria labour market using cross sectional data. The study focused only on people who are in the labour market which consists of those that are already working and those seriously searching for jobs. Data on labour market and individual characteristics was used to estimate multinomial logit model of occupational choice. The dataset used for the analysis is a national survey 2022. The key variable of interest is gender. Within the multinomial logit model framework, we focused the estimation on gender influence on occupational choice using different classification of occupation like employer; self -employed farmer; self -employed trader; Self- employed; employee wages etc. The variables at the right hand side of the multinomial logit model were gender; age of the individual; marital status; rural/urban, etc. The results show that females are less likely than males to prefer a choice of employment in the public sector. Second, females are less likely than males to prefer a choice of employment as self- employed farmer to choice of wage employment in the public sector among others.
Gender, Occupational Choice, Labour Market, Economic, Human Capital Development, Nigeria.