1. POOJA BHATT - Research Scholar, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Shri Govindram
Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
2. RACHNA NAVALAKHE - Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Shri Govindram
Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Symmetric cryptographic algorithms, also known private-key algorithms, these are single shared key algorithms for both encrypting and decrypting data. Asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, also known as public-key algorithms use a pair of public and private keys, are mathematically related with each other. Both the keys are related to each-other but mathematically impracticable to attain one key from the other. In this paper, we compare Symmetric and Asymmetric key algorithms with respect to time, security level, classification of the data, key length and key management. Moreover, we perform a crisp analysis of cryptographic algorithms with various advantages. Lastly, we conclude a set of recommendations for selecting the correct cryptographic algorithm with applicable ‘Use Case’ for secured communication.
Symmetric and Asymmetric Key; Cryptographic Algorithms; Hybrid Cryptography; Confidentiality and Security; Key Exchange Protocol.