1. VAN GIANG TRAN - Biology Department, Hue University of Education, Hue University, Hue City, 49000, Vietnam.
2. THI TUONG VY NGUYEN - Faculty of Chemistry-Biology-Environment, Pham Van Dong University, Quang Ngai City, 49000,
3. NGOC HAI TRAN - Faculty of Chemistry-Biology-Environment, Pham Van Dong University, Quang Ngai City, 49000,
Feeding experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of replacing mixed feed with other green foods to assess the growth performance of hybrid rabbits. Study rabbits were randomly divided into 4 treatments, each treatment repeated 3 times. Diets with 50% replacement of water spinach (RM50); 50% wild daisies (CD50); 50% silage cassava leaves (LSUC50). Rabbits studied in the experiment were vaccinated, cared for, and kept in the same captivity. The treatment of replacing 25% of the mixed feed with RM had higher steam weight, hook weight, and carcass weight than the rest of the groups, but the percentage of hooked meat, carcass percentage, and percentage of the carcass were higher, there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). Preliminary accounting from the time of experiment to the time of sale, if 25% of mixed feed is used to replace 50% of CD, the efficiency is higher than RM50 and LSUC50, so it is possible to replace 25% of mixed feed with other types Green food is an agricultural by-product in the process of raising hybrid rabbits in households in Tu Nghia District.
Hybrid rabbit, mixed feed, morning glory, wild chrysanthemum, silage cassava leaves.