1. KOMAL JAMIL - Bahria University Health Sciences, Area 4c, Block 35 & House No. 3 Landhi No. 6 Karachi, Pakistan.
2. SYEDA RIDA BAQIR - Bahria University Health Sciences, A-14, Block 20 FB Area, Karachi, Pakistan.
Depression is a major problem which is faced by elderly people every time, people feel depressed with mood swings, and decreases their joy. The prevalence rate of depression is about 40.6 percent in females than males likewise 50 percent versus 32 percent. Around the world depression mostly affects elderly persons is about 30 percent. Depression impacts the life of a person of all ages but the ratio of depression is higher in women than in men. The objective of the study was to evaluate the frequency of depression in the geriatric population of Pakistan. A cross-sectional survey was conducted between (May 2023 to November 2023) with a sample size of 664 calculated from the OpenEpi Version 3.0 software. The selection of sample size was done through a Non-probability convenient sampling technique. Data was collected from the general population of Pakistan by using a validated questionnaire named: GDS (geriatric depression scale). The data was analyzed by SPSS 23.0 software. There were 664 research participants selected from the general population. The results show a majority of research participants 431(64.90%) were not satisfied with their lives and 484(72.89%) avoided social gatherings due to depression, while 396(59.63%) participants responded that they could make decisions easily. Additionally, according to the GDS (geriatric depression scale) scoring amount of depression was found more in females:181(61.14%) as compared to males. We concluded from our study that females are more likely to be depressed as compared to males in Pakistan as well and they often avoid social gatherings due to depression.
Incidence, Elderly, Depression, Gerontology, Population, Etc.